Medicare imposters want to steal your money. Don't let them. Pop quiz: If someone calls you asking for your bank account number, should you give it to them? Answer: Never! Hang up - it is a scam! Medicare will never call you and ask for your bank account information. Here's how a call like this should be handled: Don't give out your bank account number - or any part of your Social Learn More about Imposter Scams are on the rise!
Introducing Chip Technology
Enhanced Security for your Debit and Credit Cards Co-op Credit Union will soon offer debit and credit cards with chip technology. The embedded computer chip provides more security and wider international acceptance. A microchip embedded in the cards adds a new layer of protection against fraud for purchases made at the point of sale. Information programmed into the chip is personalized for Learn More about Introducing Chip Technology
Secure Email Practices
The fastest growing crime in America is identity theft and the best protection is prevention. The Co-op Credit Union utilizes secure emails for the security of your personal information. Encrypted Emails If, in the process of working with your account at the credit union it is necessary to send documents containing personal and/or account information to you by email, those emails will come to Learn More about Secure Email Practices
There’s A Faster Way
Are you waiting to receive your monthly statement in the mail? Just can't remember where you put your last month's statement? Your credit union has an easier way for you to receive your monthly statements. e-Statements When you sign up for e-Statements, your statements will be available to you to view and/or print online 24/7. Some of the great features are: Your current monthly statement Learn More about There's A Faster Way
Internet Explorer Browser Settings
With the launch of our new website we have learned that not all users are seeing our website as designed. The common denominator seems to be with the Internet Explorer 10 browser and the compatibility mode setting. The website users having issues are using the Internet Explorer 10 browser with the compatibility mode turned ON. Best practices suggest that the compatibility mode should only be Learn More about Internet Explorer Browser Settings
We’re Always Where You Are
In 2010, just over one in four cell phone users had a smart phone. By 2016, it is forecast that three out of four users will. If you are one of that skyrocketing number, your credit union is as close as your pocket. We will always be where you are. There's An App For That! Use your mobile device to view balances, transfer money, check account history, or find the nearest ATM. We can help you get Learn More about We're Always Where You Are
Grow Your Business With A Credit Union Loan
As any business owner knows, in order to be successful you must manage your money wisely and efficiently. Convenient And Affordable Business Financial Solutions Credit unions are no longer serving just employee groups or even individuals, but the business sector as well. In this capacity they are developing customized business services packages for all types and sizes of businesses, offering Learn More about Grow Your Business With A Credit Union Loan
Help Our Credit Union Family Grow
Did you know that you are part of our family? And, as credit union kinfolk, you can help our family grow. Refer Friends and Family By referring a friend or loved one to the credit union, you are granting them lifelong access to affordable financial products, better rates on loans, higher yields on savings, and lower fees on transactions as well as superior member service and educational Learn More about Help Our Credit Union Family Grow
Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week
Daily Tips Monday Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week Tip #1: Tax identity theft happens when someone files a fake tax return using your personal information — like your Social Security number — to get a tax refund or a job. This week we’ll post tips to help you lessen the chance you’ll be a victim and learn what to do if you are. The first tip? File early in the tax season — if you can — to get Learn More about Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week
Virtual Branch – Enroll Now
Manage your money online at your convenience. Our Virtual Branch is always open! Virtual Branch is an Internet-based financial service offered to members of the credit union. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing credit union members with the flexibility to take care of many of their financial transactions without leaving home. And best of all, there are NO CHARGES for Learn More about Virtual Branch - Enroll Now