Effective December 1, 2024
Checking & Savings Accounts
Overdraft Fee per Presentment………………….$25.00
Return Fee per Presentment……………………….25.00
Statement Copy …………………………………………..5.00
Stop Payment……………………………………………..15.00
Hourly Rate for Account Reconciliation………..35.00
Hourly Rate for Account Research………………..35.00
Reg D Violation (per month)………………………….5.00
Inactive Account (per month)…………………………7.00*
*No activity for 2 years, balance $25 or less, age 21+
Checking Accounts
Check Collection…………………………………………….15.00
Canceled Check Copy……………………………………….1.00
Counter Check (per item)…………………………………1.00
Wire Money
Incoming Wire………………………………………………10.00
Outgoing Wire………………………………………………20.00
Outgoing International Wire…………………………..45.00
Outgoing Domestic Western Union…………………25.00
Account Fees Specific to Type of Account
Business Premier Checking
Monthly Service Charge……………………………………..10.00
If the average daily balance falls below $2,500 during the month
Monthly Service Charge………………………………………2.00
If the average daily balance falls below $300 during the month for accounts determined to be small business accounts
Business Remote Deposit
Monthly Service Fee…………………………………………20.00
Membership Advantage Checking
Membership Advantage
Monthly Service Charge…………………………….5.00
Members Money Savings
Exceed 6 Transactions fee……………………….20.00
per transaction over 6 transactions per calendar month
WINcentive Savings
First Withdrawal Per Year……………………….10.00
Second Withdrawal Per Year……………………25.00
Electronic Services
Bill Pay
Expedited Payment Fee………………………………25.00
Return Item Fee…………………………………………10.00
Official Checks and Money Orders
Cashier’s Check ………………………………………$2.00
Money Order…………………………………………….. 2.00
Miscellaneous Services
Coin counting for Members……………………………. Free
Coin counting for Non-Members………………………. 2%
Outgoing Fax
(1st page $5; add’l pages $1 each)………………………….5.00
Incoming Fax, per Page…………………………………………1.00
Notarization for Members…………………………………….Free
Notarization for Non-Members …………………………….5.00
Photocopy for Non-Members, per page………………….0.25
Visa Gift Cards…………………………………………………….2.50
Printouts and Schedules
Account History Printout ………………………………….. 1.00
Amortization Schedule ………………………………………5.00
Miscellaneous Fees
Inactive/Return Mail Fee (Quarterly)…………………10.00
Credit Bureau Investigation ………………………………..5.00
Levy or Garnishment…………………………………………25.00
Unclaimed Property Processing………………………….25.00
Plastic Card Replacement
Replace Debit Card……………………………………………..25.00
Rush Debit Card………………………………………..Up to 75.00
Annual Fees*
Health Savings Account (HSA) Annual Fee …..20.00
Safe Deposit Boxes:
Annual Rent Payment*
(Montevideo and Benson)
Size: 3×5 …………………………………….18.00
Size: 5×5 ……………………………………25.00
Size: 3×10 ………………………………….30.00
Size 5×10 …………………………………..40.00
Size: 10×10 ………………………………..75.00
*Annual Rent Payment/Fees are due on December 1st