A safe deposit box is a miniature safe-like box inside the credit union. These boxes are vaulted and sealed for the ultimate safety and protection of your items.
Maybe you have been considering renting a safe deposit box to securely protect your personal documents and small possessions or keepsakes that would be impossible to replace. We would like to share with you 5 things to consider to help you decide if a safe deposit box is the right choice for you.
1. The contents of your safe deposit box are accessible to you during the regular lobby hours of the credit union. If your valuable document or collectible may need to be accessed after those hours, like an evening or on a weekend day, you may want to choose to secure those items in your home or personal safe. Some examples may include medical care directives, a Power of Attorney document or passport. A safe deposit box is a good place to store valuables that you don’t need in an emergency situation.
2. Access is limited to individuals that are listed as Co-Renters on your rental contract with the credit union. If an individual renter passes away, a personal representative must be named by the court prior to being allowed to access the safe deposit box of the deceased. If you rent the box by yourself, we would advise you to store your will, trust documents, or other things that your heirs may need in the event of your death, in a secure location other than a safe deposit box.
3. A safe deposit box resides within the vault of a federally insured credit union however, only you can insure what is stored inside of the safe deposit box. Just as with your home, fires, floods, tornadoes or other disasters can wreak havoc on a credit union vault too. The National Credit Union Administration is a U.S. Government Agency and protects only the money in your credit union accounts. Neither the credit union nor the government insure the contents of a safe deposit box.
4. Only you, and possibly your co-renters, know what is inside your safe deposit box – not the credit union, not your relatives, not anyone that you don’t personally tell yourself. Renters are prohibited from storing any liquid, explosive, offensive or illegal items within a safe deposit box at the credit union and agree to these terms upon signing the rental agreement. Firearms and ammunition are among items not to be stored within a safe deposit box. Each box is equipped with a double lock, requiring two keys – one is the guard key and the other is the renter’s key. No one at the credit union can open or lock your safe deposit box without your key.
5. Safe deposit boxes are an economical way to secure valuables. The yearly fee to rent a safe deposit box varies depending on size. The Co-op Credit Union has five different sizes to choose from including 3″x5″, 5″x5″, 3″x10″, 5″x10″, and 10″x10″ with annual fees of $18, $25, $30, $40 and $75, respectively. Both the Montevideo and Benson branches offer safe deposit boxes to members of the Co-op Credit Union. To check availability, please contact one of those branches.