People all over the world belong to credit unions, including over 98 million members in the United States. Because credit unions are not-for-profit financial institutions, their focus is serving the financial needs of their members and not making a profit. On the whole, credit unions typically offer higher rates on savings, fewer fees, and lower rates on loans. Here's what you can expect from a Learn More about Is a Credit Union Right for Me?
EQUIFAX Data Breach: Protect Your Information
Late in the day, September 7, 2017, we were first learning of a cyber-security incident at Equifax Inc. that could potentially impact approximately 143 million U.S. consumers. Equifax has posted details about the unauthorized access. Although the company has found no evidence of unauthorized activity on Equifax's core consumer or commercial credit reporting databases, they are Learn More about EQUIFAX Data Breach: Protect Your Information
The National Credit Union Foundation (the Foundation) has activated the online disaster relief system to raise money for credit union people in Texas affected by Tropical Storm Harvey and those in and near Florida who were in Hurricane Irma's path. Credit union supporters in every state can make donations at "With the devastating flooding caused by Harvey, our credit Learn More about CREDIT UNIONS HELPING CREDIT UNIONS DURING DISASTER
A safe deposit box is a miniature safe-like box inside the credit union. These boxes are vaulted and sealed for the ultimate safety and protection of your items. Maybe you have been considering renting a safe deposit box to securely protect your personal documents and small possessions or keepsakes that would be impossible to replace. We would like to share with you 5 things to Learn More about SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES
Wise giving in the wake of Hurricane Harvey
It’s heartbreaking to see people lose their lives, homes, and businesses to the ongoing flooding in Texas. But it’s despicable when scammers exploit such tragedies to appeal to your sense of generosity. Learn More Learn More about Wise giving in the wake of Hurricane Harvey
CCU Goes to the Fair!
The Co-op Credit Union went to the Chippewa County Fair. We were honored and excited to attend the Blue Ribbon Auction and were lucky enough to win a few of the bids! Congratulations to all of the 4-H participants! We appreciate your dedication and hard work. Learn More about CCU Goes to the Fair!
Grandpa Spots Scammers
by Seena Gressin, Attorney, Division of Consumer & Business Education, FTC One of my favorite parts about working at the Federal Trade Commission is hearing stories of folks avoiding a scam. A recent story involves Lou, who picked up the phone and spotted the scam almost as soon as he heard the young man call him “Grandpa.” The caller said he’d been arrested for drunk driving, needed Learn More about Grandpa Spots Scammers
CCU at Benson Kid Day Parade
Fun for Everyone! Benson Branch participates in the Benson Kid Day Parade Since 1931, the city of Benson has dedicated their annual community celebration to the kids. The staff at our Benson Branch, along with their families, participated in the Kid Day Parade on Saturday, July 15, 2017. CCU staff and kids took turns carrying the CCU banner and throwing candy and Learn More about CCU at Benson Kid Day Parade
Co-op Credit Union Welcomes The Berenstain Bears®
Co-op Credit Union has launched The Berenstain Bears® Financial Literacy Program, a financial education program designed by the Credit Union Network for Financial Literacy (CUNFL). This program was developed in response to the growing need for financial education for young children and is geared toward children ages 10 and under. Age-appropriate activities promote financial literacy and provide Learn More about Co-op Credit Union Welcomes The Berenstain Bears®
Scam Of The Week: Your Politics Have Been Breached
Gizmodo reported on a blog post by IT Security company UpGuard which revealed the largest US voter data leak to date. Political data gathered on more than 198 million US citizens was exposed this month after a marketing firm contracted by the Republican National Committee stored internal documents on a publicly accessible Amazon server and was available for 12 days for anyone with the URL. The Learn More about Scam Of The Week: Your Politics Have Been Breached