Tis the Season for merry making, gift giving, and lots of shopping! Keep in mind, while our guard is down and our wallets are open, it is also the prime season for phishers, skimmers, thieves, and their naughty antics. While your Co-op Credit Union Debit Card is a handy tool that allows you to quickly and conveniently obtain cash from an ATM, make a PIN-based transaction at no charge, or get Learn More about 6 Ways to Keep Your Debit Card Safe this Season
Beware of Payday Loans and Loan Sharks
Payday Loans...they go by many names - quick cash loans, cash advance loans, deferred deposit loans, check advance loans, post-dated check loans. Call them what you will, but avoid them at all costs! These loans are often advertised on TV and online as a quick fix for your financial troubles and promise to help in the short-term, but will only cause you major stress when it comes to long-term Learn More about Beware of Payday Loans and Loan Sharks
$20,000 in Scholarships Available
Credit unions are local, not for profit financial institutions. We are focused on providing members with the tools to succeed. The Minnesota Credit Union Foundation Scholarship Council is offering $20,000 in scholarships to Minnesota credit union members. A total of 14 applicants will receive funds in the form of two $3,000, two Learn More about $20,000 in Scholarships Available
Arby’s Data Breach
Arby's experienced a data breach which spanned from October 25th, 2016 to January 19th, 2017. A number of our members who used their debit cards at Arby's during this time frame have began to experience fraud. We have ordered new cards for all compromised cards due to this data breach. If your debit card was compromised you will be receiving a letter within the next few days and a new debit Learn More about Arby's Data Breach
Fight the Flu with CCU a Success!
To celebrate CU Forward Day on Monday, October 9th, each Co-op Credit Union branch shared colorful organza gift bags with over 400 visiting members. The gift bags included a packet of Emergen-C, a packet of kleenex and a bottle of hand sanitizer. The Montevideo branch also hosted a flu shot clinic with staff from Thrifty White of Montevideo. About 20 members participated and received flu Learn More about Fight the Flu with CCU a Success!
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) STOP. THINK.CONNECT What is "Cyber Security"? Also referred to as information technology security, cyber security focuses on protecting computers, networks, programs, and data from unintended or unauthorized access, change, or destruction. Each of us leads an internet-connected, digital life, whether we realize it or not, and each of Learn More about National Cyber Security Awareness Month
CU Forward Day – October 9, 2017
Columbus Day 2017 We will be celebrating CU Forward day with Minnesota credit unions across the state. The Montevideo Branch will host a flu vaccination clinic from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. to help members prepare for the flu season. Please remember to bring your insurance card! All branch locations will be sharing "Fight the Flu with CCU" gift bags. Stop at one of our branches Monday, Learn More about CU Forward Day - October 9, 2017
Drive Away with a Better Rate
If you're concerned your current vehicle is no match for Old Man Winter, let a loan from the credit union put you back on top of your game. When you finance your wheels with the credit union, you have a lot more options than you do with dealer financing. At first glance the dealer rates can be appealing, but typically they are offered only on select models, often the slower-moving ones. And "not Learn More about Drive Away with a Better Rate
Jean Day for Charity
Staff at the Co-op Credit Union donate $3.00 each Friday when they choose to wear jeans to work. Funds raised are then donated to charities or community groups of their choice. In August staff raised $135.00 for the Montevideo Area Community Foundation. The purpose of the Montevideo Area Community Foundation is to inspire generosity and to promote philanthropy that benefits the Learn More about Jean Day for Charity
Time to Celebrate International Credit Union Day: Dreams Thrive Here Thursday, October 19, 2017 Goals are dreams with deadlines and credit unions everywhere are in the business of helping their members achieve them. The theme for this year's International Credit Union Day, Dreams Thrive Here, reflects the important role credit unions play in helping ensure financial success for Learn More about INTERNATIONAL CREDIT UNION DAY